Joanna Lumley plea over disposal of WWII bombs at sea

Boris Johnson is told that exploding wartime ordnance to clear the way for windfarms harms marine…

Ocean pollutants effect male fertility

Banned chemicals may still be threatening the fertility of male porpoises off the UK Industrial chemicals…

How microbes reflect the health of coral reefs

Microorganisms play an important role in the health of coral reefs, yet exploring these connections can…

New documents reveal BP was behind toxic Mauritius oil spill

When the Japanese cargo ship Wakashio struck a coral reef off Mauritius she spilled over 1,000…

Is there a link between ocean pollution and damage to human health?

Humans are causing widespread damage to the ocean and threatening our own health, a new report…

Impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on marine life

A reduction in shipping is having a positive effect on aquatic mammals. However, an increase in…

Gulf still polluted 10 years after Deepwater Horizon

Scientists complete a Gulf-wide survey of oil pollution among fish populations for the first time since…

Litter problem along England’s protected coasts

Beaches in or near England’s Marine Protected Areas have the same levels of litter as those…

Lobster digestion of microplastics spreads down the food chain

Tiny fragments of plastic waste are dispersed throughout the oceans, but microplastics in animals that live…

Asda launches initiative to reduce ocean plastic pollution

Asda aims to reduce ocean plastic pollution in the supermarket’s supply chain The retailer is equipping…