Expedition finds record number of eels in the abyssal deep-sea

Before we start mining for precious metals in the darkness of the deep sea, we might…

Could listening to the deep sea help save it?

Using sound to monitor the most mysterious realm of the ocean A database of deep-sea soundscapes…

Sharks in our Covid-19 vaccine?

How many sharks will die to protect us against Coronavirus? It’s a real question and the…

Floating turbines may usher in a new wave of offshore wind

Brits are used to seeing offshore wind turbines by now, the UK has more installed capacity…

Russian supertrawlers off Scottish coast rings alarm bells for UK marine life

While the UK is in lockdown, a fleet of destructive supertrawlers has been spotted plundering fish…

‘Salmon cannon’ to help fish past landslide

Plans are underway for a pneumatic fish pump, also known as a salmon cannon, to be…

Iceland won’t kill any whales this year

The largest whaling company in Iceland halts its whaling operations for the second year in a…

Lockdown reduces ocean noise for whales

Evidence of a drop in underwater noise pollution leads experts to predict the Coronavirus crisis may…

Death of the world’s loneliest dolphin: ‘Honey’ dies after two years by herself in a small pool

A dolphin dubbed the ‘world’s loneliest’ after she was discovered at an abandoned Japanese aquarium has…

Supertankers drafted in to store glut of crude oil

Giant oil tankers are being used to hold record amounts of crude at sea due to…