Sharks have social networks

Despite their ‘loner’ reputation, some sharks form social groups with bonds that can last for years…

Building virtual reefs for science

During a single dive, scientists can take photographs that can be stitched together into an intricate,…

This limpet may be evolving to avoid humans

Across the Hawaiian archipelago, ‘opihi appear to be growing flatter and darker to evade our grasp…

Four things we (still) don’t know about the ocean

Whilst the Kraken may not exist, there are still plenty that’s unknown to us about the…

Stunning images of technicolour organisms in cold, dark waters

You could be forgiven for thinking that the frigid seas of the far north are “lifeless…

Tiny new seahorse species discovered

A rather mysterious new species of tiny seahorse has been discovered in waters off South Africa…

Fossil reveals evidence of 200-million-year-old squid attack

Scientists have discovered the world’s oldest known example of a squid-like creature attacking its prey, in…

Rare pink dolphins come out to play off a Thai island

Fishermen in the Gulf of Thailand filmed a rare encounter with pink dolphins, which scientists say…

Jellyfish swimming through Venice’s now crystal clear waterways

The incredible flora and fauna of the Venetian canals have been caught on video as the…

An underwater forest 60 feet below the surface in the Gulf of Mexico may harbour life-saving secrets

Shipworms pulled from underwater forest that grew 60,000 years ago could be used to make antibiotics…